Wednesday, February 14, 2018

It's been a while since I updated, so I am taking some time to catch up. This is Adam's third year at the high school, but his first year as an actual high school student. He has made amazing progress while there, especially this year. He has an awesome support system including the SPED department, general education teachers and friends. For the first time in his life, HE HAS FRIENDS! He is taking regular classes among typical freshmen. And he is rocking it! He had been sick and got behind in some of his work, but with the support of his "team", he will catch up. He even looks forward to going to school now. He has grown and matured and except for an occasional hiccup is learning to discuss any issues he is having with the people who can help him. Otherwise, all it usually takes is a phone call and it's handled. I AM SO PROUD OF HIM!

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