Monday, May 8, 2017

He's ready for high school!

Even though he's been at the high school for the past 2 years, he was still a middle schooler in the behavior program there. Today he had the IEP meeting to get him registered.  I usually feel the tears welling up, and I fight it, and sometimes I flat out boohoo. Today I fought the happy tears. The goal is to have him graduate in 4 years with a regular diploma just like everyone else. He tested very high (as high as they score) in language and vocabulary, so academically, he could take AP English. However, we decided to hold back a little until he feels more comfortable in regular classes. I am so proud of the progress he has made. 

Side note: He was talking to one of the SPED teachers about all of his matchbox and hot wheels cars, and said he wanted a limousine. We continued with the meeting and after a few minutes, he got back on the car discussion. The teacher asked what it was he wanted again, a hearse? Adam didn't miss a beat and said my dad rode in one of those. The boy knows how to silence a room.

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