Friday, January 2, 2015

It's hard being a single parent. It's also hard being an autism parent. Put them together and it's a recipe for a lot of stress and anxiety. I don't always handle things well, but I will always always push for Adam's right to an education, no matter how intimidating those IEP meetings can be. 

This school year has been a rough one so far, and I am not seeing eye to eye with the special education department in our district about some very important issues. What began as mishandling autism meltdowns morphed into behavior issues that includes screaming, rolling on the floor, cussing, and throwing things. The solution to this has been to suspend him. Adam saw this as an opportunity to go home.... every day if necessary. Now we are looking at moving him to a higher grade level school where he won't have the opportunity to attend regular classes with his friends. I was told I have no choice but I am going to do everything I can to keep this from happening. 

And then I will breathe again.

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