Friday, May 24, 2013


I haven't done too well updating lately, but it's not because there is nothing to say, but there is just so much to say that it's overwhelming. I am at odds with the school system over Adam's placement for next year. They contend that he has behavior issues and should be in BITE (the behavior intervention program), but I say that  his issues stem from autism and should be treated as a disability. He screams, yes, and I agree that it is inappropriate in a classroom, but I know there are other options. I wouldn't be as upset about having him in BITE if it were going to be located at the grade level school he should attend for fifth grade, but it will be at a second and third grade school. He is so smart and I can't just let him be left behind like this without doing everything I can do for him.

I have also lost my job this week. I was an assistant in the BITE room and my position has been eliminated. I suppose there will be other openings for assistants in our schools, but I wonder if my fight with the system will hinder my ability to be rehired.

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