Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adam: I kinda like pork roast. I like anything that starts with pork or meat... pork ROAST, meat LOAF, Lasagne with MEAT and CHEESE.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adam: I'm gonna come back and eat that in a minute. My stomach is kind of full, but not completely, I just need to wait for a burp.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Me: I'm gonna take you and get your ears cleaned out. Adam: I don't need my eggs cleaned out.
Ainsley: You are my minion. Adam: Can't you use a better word?

Friday, May 24, 2013


I haven't done too well updating lately, but it's not because there is nothing to say, but there is just so much to say that it's overwhelming. I am at odds with the school system over Adam's placement for next year. They contend that he has behavior issues and should be in BITE (the behavior intervention program), but I say that  his issues stem from autism and should be treated as a disability. He screams, yes, and I agree that it is inappropriate in a classroom, but I know there are other options. I wouldn't be as upset about having him in BITE if it were going to be located at the grade level school he should attend for fifth grade, but it will be at a second and third grade school. He is so smart and I can't just let him be left behind like this without doing everything I can do for him.

I have also lost my job this week. I was an assistant in the BITE room and my position has been eliminated. I suppose there will be other openings for assistants in our schools, but I wonder if my fight with the system will hinder my ability to be rehired.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Field trip

Today was the field trip to see the Nashville Sounds play. Adam doesn't care much for baseball, but I did get some fabulous photos.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I am now in a position between parent and school employee and I have to speak up for what I know is best for Adam. There are some changes being made and I'm not happy about any of the options given for his placement for next year. I have a call in to the special ed. director, and I hope I can maintain my composure and still stand firm.