Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I have been  working in the BITE (Behavior Intervention Training Elementary)  room at Adam's school since early November. This arrangement obviously has its pros and cons. On one hand, I am now aware of pretty much everything he does. On the other hand, I am now aware of pretty much everything he does. Some days, as with any challenge, are better than others. Today was one of those days that the BITE kids were better than Adam. He is so smart, and as a result, is a master manipulator, but this gives him an advantage over some of the other kids. He is given more choices, should he choose not to abuse the privilege. Because of today's meltdown, we are attempting a new plan... He was given the homework assignment of compiling his own list of rewards... he will be able to choose, within limits,  of what he can earn. He can't go shopping or out for coffee, but a  few extra minutes of computer time can go a long way.

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