Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adam: Are you crazy? Me: Just a little bit. Adam: No, you're a psychopath.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Adam: Keith Urban does not sing to you! Me: Yes, he does. Adam: Prove it! Me: I don't have to prove it, I feel it in my heart. Adam: I know it in my head that he doesn't.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adam always has an opportunity to have help with any classwork as well as homework at school. He chose not to do it today, so he had to bring it home. He's on his own, and screaming bloody murder.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The wine is chilling

Everyone was screaming today, then they screamed at each other for screaming. Oy.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Disappointment and special kids

Our local Special Olympics events were scheduled for today, but due to heavy rain last night, they had to be cancelled. It was disappointing to everyone involved, and very difficult to explain to those children who just didn't understand. It took a little while, but they were soon calmed down and assured there would be some fun to be found in the day. They continued with their regular schedule and had just entered the gym for PE class to burn off some of that pent-up energy when it was announced that there was yet another change in plans as the gym was going to be used for a presentation from Miss Tennessee. Well, giving Miss Tennessee her due, and I'm sure she is lovely and had wonderful things to say, but these kids could not have cared less about seeing her; they just knew they just had something else taken away from them. Thank God for flexible and resilient teachers and assistants who were able to quickly whisk the class outside to run around on the wet, cold playground. No one seemed to mind that the temperature had dropped 30 degrees within 24 hours.

Adam didn't handle the schedule change of the Special Olympics very well, either, even though he had to be talked into participating in the first place. He had gotten used to the idea and he knew that staying at school meant he was going to have to do some work He also was unhappy about the lunch choices at that time. Sack lunches were ready and paid for and packed for the day, so it wouldn't have mattered if they ended up eating it at school or on a field trip. Unless you were Adam and realized that all of his friends in the cafeteria were going to be eating pizza. I told him he could eat his sack lunch and I would purchase a slice of pizza to go with it. That would have been fine, until he was actually IN the lunch room and noticed they also had French fries, and there was no one there who was able to remedy the situation. He ended up bringing his lunch back to the classroom to finish eating and was fine the rest of the day, but what a stressful day I had!
Adam: That sounds like a whale crossed with Scooby Doo.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sometimes there are just no words.

Adam: Do I have to say final answer for you to write it down?
Adam: This tea was refreshing yesterday. Now it tastes like a hamburger.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sometimes it's hard to stay positive on this autism journey, but saying how I feel helps. For example, I am glad that Adam is able to find ways to nurture his interests, ie, obsessions, but sometimes I'd like him to just shut up.
I believe the behavior specialist was correct when she said it was going to get worse before it gets better. This was not a good day. Adam spent the day screaming every time he was asked to do something he didn't want to do, so then the other children in the BITE room were screaming and it went back and forth and on and on until he sat on the floor and wet his pants, just because. It kind of amuses me when one of the kids complains about the other screaming as if they don't hear the blood-curdling sounds coming out of their own mouths. I would be glad to be home, if the screaming wasn't still occurring, since Adam has had a few of his favorite inconveniences taken away. I wonder if Mack will mind if I open a bottle of wine or three that we bought over the weekend.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Adam must be getting used to this new arrangement. He has decided he doesn't want to do any work, so he had to bring his social studies work home. Hmmm, he chose not to do it at school with help, so the consequence is to do it at home on his own. Too bad that means he gets no electronics or playtime until it is done.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

He had a few rough spots today, but so far, so good.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The IEP meeting went... ok. Adam will be a BITE student, but he will be going to his regular classes with an assistant. And because of the way the schedule will work out, I will still be able to assist with the other BITE kids. I hope this works out, the school year is nearly over!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Adam didn't have a very good day today. I have an IEP meeting tomorrow to discuss putting him in BITE. I don't think that's the place for him. He is currently in CDC, but that's not really right for him. There needs to be other options for high-functioning autistic kids. I'm stressed just thinking about it.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mack: Eat right. Adam: My name's not Wright.
I just watched this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy. I noticed the "Autism Speaks" poster on the wall. Kudos to the producers and writers, and ABC.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Adam had a good day today. It's the little things...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

One common trait of autism is obsessions. One of Adam's obsessions is the Titanic. He can tell you just about everything there is to know about it. 

My uncle was recently diagnosed with cancer, and my mom and sister just came back from visiting him. He remembered my telling him this about Adam and he sent a book about the Titanic with my mom for Adam. This makes me both happy and sad. 
This was a good day for the BITE kids, as well as Adam. Let's hope this trend continues.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's time to get serious about the book I promised myself I wouldn't give up on writing, and that means getting it together on this blog, as well.

Today was a pretty quiet day. Only one of the BITE kids came to school, and he left early for a doctor's appointment. Adam's only issue was trying to escape out the door of the CDC room. We had a talk about that.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I have been  working in the BITE (Behavior Intervention Training Elementary)  room at Adam's school since early November. This arrangement obviously has its pros and cons. On one hand, I am now aware of pretty much everything he does. On the other hand, I am now aware of pretty much everything he does. Some days, as with any challenge, are better than others. Today was one of those days that the BITE kids were better than Adam. He is so smart, and as a result, is a master manipulator, but this gives him an advantage over some of the other kids. He is given more choices, should he choose not to abuse the privilege. Because of today's meltdown, we are attempting a new plan... He was given the homework assignment of compiling his own list of rewards... he will be able to choose, within limits,  of what he can earn. He can't go shopping or out for coffee, but a  few extra minutes of computer time can go a long way.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Adam: Mack is the one who makes them stink. I am the one who makes them loud.