Monday, January 9, 2017

Things are looking up

So far, this year has been a lot better than the past. We did have an issue with "truancy", only because he was sick a lot and I can't take him to the doctor for every little thing. Adam's teacher this year will call me if he is having an issue, because sometimes just talking to him calms him down, but doesn't send him home unless absolutely necessary. At the last IEP meeting, we agreed that he is doing well enough to add a regular class to his schedule, Principles of Law. We are home today on a snow day, but he will start the new class this semester. I am still doing a reward (bribe, lol) system with him, so at the end of every good week, he can get a game or card to purchase new games. I've given up on taking the games away as punishment, that doesn't work, and only punishes me. I'm ready for a successful rest of the year!