Thursday, September 24, 2015

Finally, someone gets it.

After all the years of repeatedly explaining Adam's triggers and being met with a polite nod and knowing nothing was going to change, I think this year is going to be the breakthrough. I still cringe when I check the caller ID and see that it's someone from the school, but those calls are becoming fewer and farther between. Today's call was no exception until I listened to the voice on the other end. It was... the voice of reason... of compassion and understanding. Tomorrow is homecoming at school and the teacher called to give me the option of keeping Adam home to avoid the chaos and commotion that historically has led to a meltdown. There is nothing like that feeling of relief that finally.... someone gets it. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Adam: We can split dessert into thirds... you get half, you get half and I get half.
Adam: Why does Sonic wear gloves? He's a hedgehog. Ainsley: So it doesn't hurt when he touches himself.
Me: Did you eat all that stroganoff? Adam: Yes is that a problem? Me: I guess 
not, it was enough for 3 people. Adam: No, it was enough for 2.
Adam: I understand wii sports is good if you live in a retirement home where all  
the old people play bowling.
Me: Here's you some ham and eggs. Adam: NOW? Me: No, yesterday. Adam: Quit trying to be funny.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rough morning

but after several phone calls and text messages, everything got better. I told the special ed director that I can't get calls at work every day asking me to pick Adam up, and I also can't send him to school with the fear that if he has a bad meltdown the court will take him away and that I was prepared to withdraw him tomorrow and start homeschooling. She assured me that they are going to work with me and him to improve things and that those things are not going to happen. Finally, someone with some common sense. Also, the principal told me that they are having him do the 9th grade curriculum and he's doing it with no problem.