Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adam: That's the longest one I ever pooped out.


Just an old globe and a desk lamp and we have a lesson on the earth's rotation. His idea, by the way. It was even fun when he imagined burning up people when he moved the earth right up to the sun, lol. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Adam: Look at that dog! Look at that dog! Look at that dog! Look at that dog! You shoulda seen that dog.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ever the optimist

Adam prefers the option of putting as little effort as possible into anything he does to achieve the desired result. I suppose it's a combination of genetics (he gets it from his dad), autism, and just being a seven year old boy.

Our goal for him in school is to be in a regular classroom setting as much as possible. He started by spending most of his day in a special education room and we've gradually worked into more time in the regular room as his behavior indicates. Recently, he has decided he wants to be in the regular room a lot more. His teachers and I all agreed that this is a good thing, even after discovering the real motive behind it... he has realized that he is required to do more work in the special ed. room.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Inspire me

I'm not the kind of writer who can just whip out a paragraph or two because I think I should say something... I need inspiration. And today, I'm too tired to be inspired.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Homework wars

It would be too much to expect a good day at school, AND come home and do homework without a meltdown, wouldn't it? Scribbling through the worksheet does not get you out of doing it, either. It looks like I've got a long evening ahead of me.

Great resources!

One of the best things about autism in today's world is the unlimited number of resources now available for parents or caregivers. I received this article in my email this morning.

Too cold for shorts!

It is currently 35 degrees outside. Adam thinks he should wear shorts to school. Uh, I don't think so.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Adam's obsession is Transformers. He was happy to find a Transformers PS2 game at a pawn shop a couple of weeks ago. I bought it for him yesterday and he's been in Optimus Prime heaven.

His sister, Ainsley, is home on a visit from college. We're all piled up here on the bed. Silliness abounds.